Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So you both are lazy bums, but that's ok. I'll report my excitement. ;)
Miracle Worker performances were AMAZING. We even got an extention which no one can ever remember actually happening before!! That made my month. :)
Our "Shakespear Festival" has now begun. I haven't been a big part of that yet trying to find a job and all, but I hear its going great.
Let me preface this next bullet point with a warning: everytime I mention this to people, someone always ends up squealing with delight and congratulating me. I dropped choir. :) It's not really that big of a deal, but four people from the choir that I was in stopped me to talk about how much they miss me. It made me feel valued as well as feeling a little awkward...
The countdown to leave for NEW YORK is 45 DAYS!! I'm not excited at all... ;)
The countdown for Colorado Red Head to get married is 18 days. That one's a little more ... weird.
To end on a happy note: Roo turns 16 in 150 days!!
You both better start updating too. ;)