Monday, December 1, 2008


Even though it's after thanksgiving, I thought I share this with you. I already emailed it to some people, but I just thought I share some thoughts. After I wrote this I thought, "So whose idea was it to have a holiday of being thankful for what we have, and almost in the same breath or same day start demanding everything that they don't have??" I don't think I'll be asking for much this Christmas. ;)

Thanksgiving Dinners
"Christmas comes once a year," you hear that phrase oft, and kids will spend months to make their lists perfect. To make sure they have every little toy they want, toys that make noise and toys that make clothes. Toys that bake, and toys that rock. Everything that they ever wanted has to be on that list. Some even start their lists on December 26.


How many times have you heard the phrase, "Thanksgiving comes once a year"? It's probably happened, but not often enought. Are we teaching our kids to want, want, want, but not to thank, thank, thank? Is this where the world is heading? To people who don't truely appreciate what's been given to them and just want more? Perhaps this is the lesson we need to learn from little kids prayers: "Thanks for the clouds, thanks for my family, thanks for the blankets and pillows and beds..." When was the last time we thanked God for these things that he's given us? When was the last time we thanked our friends and family? When was the last time we thanked ourselves. Perhaps this thanksgiving we should take a little time to thanks those people that are always around us for the little things that always surround us. Take some time to think... and thank.

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